Monday, November 3, 2008

It's 11:40, I should be asleep...

But I should do alot of things. Today, I saw something really funny on Youtube. It was a cartoon video of a girl named Beth crashing the High School Musical movies. It was sooo funny I couldn't stop laughing. You should really check them out.
Well as everyone knows the PHILLIES won! Which entitles me to my own world series shirt. It's very comfy and warm and rawther fashionable. I grow more fond of it each minute. I have a cold this week and I blame it on my sister only mine BH" is not anywhere near as bad as hers but she is feeling much better. I am soon going to start postin a story I'm working on for my friends. It's just some fun random drabble about a club we made up and my blog title might make more sense after it. I want to be a writer, so what better way to start then right now with the public. I hope I can put them up soon!

Well, Goodnight Everybody!!

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